The CCA is dedicated to the promotion of Luther’s Small Catechism and faithful Lutheran catechesis in the church-at-large.
The CCA produces catechetical materials and sponsors conferences on subjects related to catechesis.
The Annual Symposium on Catechesis as well as regional conferences on Lutheran catechesis and creating a culture of catechesis and prayer in the Lutheran home, congregation, and school are held throughout the country. Request a conference in your area.
Catechesis is God’s way of teaching to convert sinners to the new life of faith in Christ for the forgiveness of sins. Catechesis teaches the Word of God and passes on the language of our holy faith, so that the baptized learn how to receive God’s gifts in the Divine Service, how to pray, how to confess, and how to live where God has called them with faith in Christ and love to the neighbor.
During the summer of 1988, Dr Kenneth Korby taught a class on catechetics. In that class, Dr Korby presented the catechism as a prayer book and handbook for the Christian faith and life. This set Rev Peter Bender on the course of wanting to promote the Small Catechism and faithful Lutheran catechesis. Pastor Bender began developing a collection of basic Bible stories and vocabulary with which to pass on the faith. As more pastors were influenced by Dr Korby, and as he continued to direct them to Pastor Bender’s work, it became necessary for Pastor Bender to put his counsel into written form and to expand on it.
The Concordia Catechetical Academy was formed in 1994 as an auxiliary of Peace Lutheran Church, Sussex WI, and began holding its June symposia. The first book published by CCA was in 1998, a devotional book by Rev Eckardt. The first editions of Lutheran Catechesis came out shortly thereafter. Most of the materials available from CCA are a written version of what has been preached and taught at Peace Lutheran Church. In 2022, CCA became an independent nonprofit. The Concordia Catechetical Academy is a Registered Service Organization of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
The centerpiece of the book Lutheran Catechesis is a selection of 24 Bible stories. Each Bible narrative leads the catechumen into the faith confessed in that lesson’s section of the catechism. Lutheran Catechesis is used for youth and adult instruction, for new converts and life-long members, for Christian schools, for classes on the liturgy, and for topical studies on portions of the catechism.